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Suicide Prevention is Possible

Suicide is a complex public health issue that requires coordination and cooperation among health care providers, individuals and family members, and treatment services and the community. Suicide is preventable. If all of us work together, we can increase the public’s awareness of this public health issue and get people the support they need.


Here are six ways to reduce the number of suicides:


1. Know the Warning Signs

Suicide has more than just one cause. Factors such as substance misuse and untreated mental illness can lead to a higher risk for suicide in individuals…

2. Have Meaningful Social Connections

Social connections help us live longer, stronger, happier lives. Although some say more is better, the number of connections we have isn’t as important as how connected we feel. Strive to make or maintain quality, meaningful relationships…


3. Identify Whether You or Someone Else Has Specific Mental Health Needs

Detecting the often hidden symptoms of mental illness early and finding the right treatment options for substance misuse or mental illness can help most people return to living mentally well…

4. Seek Help for Yourself or Someone Else

If you’re worried about your, or someone else’s, suicidal thoughts or feelings, it’s important to reach out for help. There are many support options available for dealing with suicidal thoughts or feelings…


5. Reducing Access to Lethal Means of Suicide

Means refers to the method a person attempting suicide uses to injure or kill themselves. Studies have shown that restricting or eliminating access to lethal methods can be an effective component of preventing suicide…

6. Get Involved With Defeat Suicide Foundation

Everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide. Attend or organize a fundraiser or event, or join or start a DSF Training. Learn how you can get involved…


If you know someone who has indicated they are contemplating suicide, take them seriously. Encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional and don’t leave them alone.


If you or someone else is in crisis, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to speak with a certified listener by calling 1-800-273-8255 or by chatting online at It’s free, confidential, and available 24/7.

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